Death is so common in the places where natural disaster occurs!Well I think I need not say about the earthquake which occurred some days back in haiti,a caribbean island.
The reality of death cannot be described in words or pictures in Haiti.The condition there is so horrible that even some of the government officials were gone missing.
The mass dumping grounds for bodies provide a surreal snapshot of what the earthquake has done to the people here-It has robbed them of their humanity.
At the national cemetery,port-au-prince's(capital city of Haiti)largest,scores of bodies never meade it to the graves.They were brought here to be left amid the concrete crypts,mourners and rubble of grave tones.
Cemetery actually implies a death with dignity,a calm passage into never ever returning world,a quiet end to a life whether it is well spent or not.But in haiti this does not seem so.The decency is swallowed by a cruel killer called "EARTH QUAKE"
(PS:This post's name is taken from an article in "THE HINDU" and some parts of passage is also taken from the same article.But the content is heart touching.So sharing here with some of my own words)
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