Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Well,continuing from the previous post I have given you the basic logic which
I have in my mind to prove God!

My original argument goes like these!We all dream every night!They usually come out of nothing!
Yes truly they usually come out of nothing!And the GOD is the one you can give an example of nothingness!
I want to prove that God actually is present by taking the case of creation of universe!
Yes consider the Big Bang theory!The Big Bang is the cosmological model of the initial conditions and subsequent development of the Universe that is supported by the most comprehensive and accurate explanations from current scientific evidence and observation.As used by cosmologists, the term Big Bang generally refers to the idea that the Universe has expanded from a primordial hot and dense initial condition at some finite time in the past (best available measurements in 2009 suggest that the initial conditions occurred around 13.3 to 13.9 billion years ago), and continues to expand to this day.

And clearly the bigbang theory states that the whole universe is formed from a sudden explosion and not even great scientists have no idea how or what is the condition before the Big Bang!
And this is the point exactly where you will get the concept of almighty!It can be clearly seen that it is not created by someone/some reaction.Morever if any reaction caused the creation of the particle which resulted in the Big Bang,then it is obvious that there must exist a universe before the universe which we presently are in.But from our latest experiments it is clearly known that even for the formation of that universe,you need to have a similiar process!And now it can be seen that it is the God who created that particle and made everything possible!

Morever the big bang theory assumes that the process is everlasting and is even doing its work calmly and expanding the universe while you are reading this!And where will the whole energy come from????And to be more precise which energy caused the Big Bang to happen??????It's obiously the hidden power,GOD!Now you can see that your theory of energy conservation dimnishing with the concept that "Energy can be neither created nor destroyed"But how come the energy is created for the Amazing process of formation of life????Now you may argue that the CONSERVATION OF ENERGY is wrong and it would be a mere foolishness if you argue because most of the applications in this world uses this theory and are proved to be successful and are used for the well being of man(click this line for more info on this principle)!

As I had already said that it is from the nothingness the whole universe evolved and the thing which we usually confuse that it is the nothingness which resulted in this is the GOD!!

So, what is the true purpose of our creation??..We must stop associating ourselves with the splitting world to realize
the nature of soul first..When we realize the nature of soul, then we become aware that we got split from the holy
soul..In fact the soul then realizes that I dint get split, It is me who split..The nothingness was GOD!!!

Even the science is proving the same because there are numerous principles which are yet to be proved and many of them can't be understood even by the geniuses and scientists in this world!And if we go on searching what might be the reason of this or what might be the proof of this principle(as I proved the conservation of energy),it results in one ultimate thing,GOD!

What else do you need to be a proof.Each and every thing in this world is shouting about its relation to the almighty.
But the thing is that we,ignorant are not understanding it!like take an example of tree.It just grows from a single small particle called SEED!Imagine how can be a big tree is formed from that small particle!We say that the science
is explaining that how can be it grown into a tree!Indeed the science is proving the GOD!It is just giving you the description how the almighty used his wand to built the beautiful tree!
And take example of your body!Imagine you don't have fingers and along with eating,you are excreting wastes from the same mouth and imagine you don't
hae ears and what else can I say of the most complex and beautifully built brain with millions of nuerons!Imagine your complex network of cells and nuerons stop working for 1 minute!Yes!1 minute!!!The science says how you are
developed from the small foetus to a big social and well built,well equipped man!But it never explained you what is the reason for developing!Why your ear is formed!(you may say for hearing!But just think why should be it formed
for hearing???)And infact the science here is trying and shouting that come on see the GOD in you!He is the reason for all this!

Ahem!!Now will you accept that God exists?????And I hope now you are aware of the reason of GOD!!!



  1. Thats an interesting theory.
    Nice post. :)

  2. Nice explaination buddy! :)

  3. nice theory...Gud

  4. thats good u have come with an interesting theory!But the basic question many of the atheists ask is just show the God if he is there!Like as you said that is the invisible energy! what's ur opinion on that?????

    And please do improve your writing skills(esp. you hae made terrible mistakes in grammar at many places).

  5. @anonymous

    Thanks for rectifying I will change it!

    Well!coming to your question the answer is in your question itself you said that it is a invisible energy!ryt and morever u shouldn't expect to see the energy!!

    What I want to say is that you feel God not that you just see it!You cant see air!But you feel and it and if you wont u vl not be here on this earth

    BTW thanx for ur comment! :)
